Speaker Topic(s) Length

NONE Gathering & Fellowship Before the Program 2:36

Wesley Shotwell
Chair, TBC Board of Directors; and
Pastor, Ash Creek Baptist Church, Azle
Welcome from Texas Baptists Committed 1:51

Todd Still
Professor of Christian Scriptures,
George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Invocation 1:45

Bill Jones
Executive Director, Texas Baptists Committed
TBC: A look back, and a look ahead 19:08

Kathy Hillman
President, Baptist General Convention of Texas; and
Director of Baptist Collections, Baylor University
Remarks from Texas Baptists' President 7:18

Charles Johnson
Member, TBC Board of Directors;
Pastor, Bread Fellowship, Fort Worth; and
Executive Director, Pastors for Texas Children
Supporting the Mission of Texas Baptists Committed 5:28

Gus Reyes
Director, Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission

Ferrell Foster
Director of Ethics & Justice, CLC

Kathryn Freeman
Director of Public Policy, CLC

(with introduction by Bill Jones)

Keynote Message:

Christian Life Commission Update


David R. Currie
Executive Director, Texas Baptists Committed (Retired)
Remarks & Benediction 5:20

Wesley Shotwell - Welcome from Texas Baptists Committed

Todd Still - Invocation

Bill Jones - TBC: A look back, and a look ahead

Kathy Hillman - Remarks from Texas Baptists' President

Charles Johnson - Supporting the Mission of Texas Baptists Committed

Bill Jones - Introduction of Keynote Speakers

Gus Reyes, Ferrell Foster, & Kathryn Freeman
- Keynote Message, Christian Life Commission Update

David R. Currie - Benediction

Full program 1:02:47