David R. Currie
A Rancher's Rumblings
February 5, 2007

The Mainstream Baptist Network (MBN) will hold its annual winter Convocation this year at the Marriott Hotel and Resort, DFW Airport, 8440 Freeport Parkway, Irving, TX on February 23-24, 2007.

Because we are a little late getting our advertising out, TBC has reserved our block of rooms for you at the wonderfully inexpensive $99 rate. To make reservations, you need to contact Carol Scott in our office at carolscott@txbc.org or 325-659-4102. You can register for the Convocation with Carol. The $60 registration fee covers all meetings and workshops, in addition to both the banquet and breakfast. We will have to release the hotel rooms on February 15, so please contact Carol ASAP.

The theme of our meeting is Voices of Hope: Why I’m Still a Baptist.

The program is now listed on the home page of our Web site at www.txbc.org.

One of the most exciting “hopes” to which we are looking forward is the exciting New Baptist Covenant meeting, which will be held in Atlanta from January 30 through February 1, 2008. This meeting is the culmination of the dream, envisioned by President Jimmy Carter and Mercer University President Bill Underwood, to bring together Baptists who share a common vision across Baptist conventions.

During the MBN Convocation, at 3:45 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2007, Dr. Underwood, Tyrone Pitts, and I—who have been involved in planning the New Baptist Covenant event—will spend an hour discussing it with those in attendance. I hope that you will come to learn more about this exciting meeting.

Now let me be frank (have I ever not been)? (I know that some of you are having a good laugh at that line!)

Anyway, we all know that there are so many meetings these days that all of us could attend one every week if we had the time. But one has to pick and choose, and decide which meetings are of the highest priority.

I urge you to consider the MBN Convocation a priority for 2007. These meetings are always wonderful times of inspiration and fellowship. They provide us an opportunity to get to know, and connect with, traditional mainstream Baptists from all over the country—and, as an added bonus this year, right in TBC’s backyard. Please make a special effort to be there.