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A Tale of Betrayal

Veteran missionary John W. Merritt has made an important contribution to the history of the Southern Baptist Convention’s 25-year controversy.

The Betrayal of Southern Baptist Missionaries by Southern Baptist Leaders 1979-2004 is a compelling and powerful account from a man who spent 34 years in key places of service as a respected Baptist missionary and executive in Europe.

“From the introductory chapter, ‘Southern Baptist Roots,’ to the final chapter, ‘A New Vision for a New Future for Southern Baptists,’ readers will note the author’s dedication to fulfilling the Great Commission even in the midst of great disappointment and hurt within his denomination,” writes Baptists Today.

Further, the book, written from the perspective of a participant:

• Unveils distortion by SBC Fundamentalists of the theory of biblical inerrancy;
• Traces their march toward authority over the SBC;
• Documents their deception in foreign missions;
• Presents 10 arguments that the Fundamentalist movement is “another gospel;”
• Appeals to churches to study the movement under the scrutiny of Scriptures;
• Makes five proposals to churches to enable them to regain their autonomy under the authority of Jesus Christ;
• Offers a new vision for a new future for Southern Baptists;
• Calls for churches to “Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

John Merritt, now retired near Asheville, N.C., with his wife, Elizabeth, is general secretary emeritus of the European Baptist Convention, an organization of English speaking churches in Europe.

The 230-page book, published by The Whitley Co., may be ordered from the author at for $13.95 or purchased online through an agreement with Smyth & Helwys publishers at