Messenger Registration Cards By Request Only
Midsummer computerized imprinted messenger registration cards will be sent only as requested by the churches. The old messenger registration cards are no longer valid.
Each elected messenger should bring with him/her to the convention a properly endorsed messenger certification card and driver's license or other identification. Persons without the computer messenger cards will need to be approved by the Credentials Committee, thus slowing the registration process.
Midsummer each church will receive a request card that should be completed and returned promptly to the BGCT Executive Director's Office indicating the number of messenger cards the church is entitled to and will use. Mission congregations are a part of their sponsoring church.
Registration Schedule
Early Registration: San Antonio area messengers and early arrivals are encouraged to register Sunday afternoon, November 7, between 3:00-6:00 p.m. at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. The exhibit hall also will be open at this time.
Registration resumes at 8:00 A.M. on Monday, November 8, in the Convention Center.
Parking is available at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center.
Security and Parking Services
Uniformed police officers will be on duty throughout the convention to assist with parking and security.
Emergency Care/First Aid
A properly staffed first aid room will be provided throughout the convention at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center.
A BGCT housing list is also available on the website at Also, you may call 214-828-5232 for a fax or mailed copy.
Handicapped Services
Handicapped parking is available in the parking lots near Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. Handicapped seating will be provided. Check with ushers for information.