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Here are the quotes, all directly from Baptist Press.
What Draper and Chapman are pointing out is the Southern Baptist Convention is in decline. The facts speak for themselves. Even as they celebrated the 25 year anniversary of the “conservative resurgence” as they call it, they are admitting it has been a dismal failure. The effort to rid all of SBC life of so called liberals in the six seminaries, on the mission field, in positions of leadership has not resulted in more people coming to Christ. It has not resulted in a sweet, open Christian spirit that cooperates with other believers. It is a failure. Now let me fill in the gaps for you so you can understand what is really happening. The fact is the Southern Baptist Convention was more focused on evangelism and missions before 1979 than it is now. The fact is the Southern Baptist Convention was lead by men and women more committed to Christ and his Word prior to 1979 than it is now. The fact is the reason the last 25 years in Southern Baptist life are such a dismal failure is because the “takeover of the SBC” was never about theology, or the Bible, or Jesus in the first place, and now the facts are proving this true. Let me explain why the SBC has lost its focus. The SBC in decline is not good for the Kingdom of God, as much as I disagree with what they have done in the last 25 years. The SBC is on a road to destruction and I do not think it can be turned around by anyone. The reason the SBC is in decline starts with Falwell’s statement. The fact is the SBC was “hijacked.” In a time of terrorism around the world, this is an interesting term for Falwell to use. Terrorism is about violence. Terrorism is about destroying those you cannot stand or tolerate and disagree with. The takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention by extremists was in some ways a terrorist act. No, it was not physically violent but it was spiritually violent. People’s lives were destroyed. People’s character was maligned. People were slandered and this behavior continues today. The Baptist World Alliance was just slandered. I’m proud their leaders had the courage to point this out. You cannot expect God to bless a movement based on denying his Word and His teachings. Jesus said a house built on sand cannot stand the storms. A convention built on lies and slander cannot stand and will not grow the Kingdom. I find it ironic that Baptist Press thought it important to God’s Kingdom to run an article on Bill Clinton on June 25th that said, “In reference to Bill Clinton’s memoirs, I have but one question: How many lies does a person have to tell before trust is violated?” I would say that after 25 years of lying by SBC leaders, why are they surprised trust has been broken? But the real reason the SBC is in decline can be clearly seen when one understands the real reason for the SBC takeover – politics. Think back to 1979. That was the year the Moral Majority was formed by Jerry Falwell. Shortly after that the Christian Coalition was formed. This was the beginning of the Religious Right conservative political movement in America. This was also the year the Fundamentalists started to take control of the SBC, using secular “get out the vote type” political activism. The political mastermind of the movement was a Houston Judge, Paul Pressler. Paul Pressler was and is very active in far right political movements. He has served as president of the Council for National Policy. To read about this organization simply type their name into your internet search engine. I could list many connections between SBC leaders and far right political organizations but feel free to research this yourself. What I want you to think about is the connection between the decline happening in the SBC and the real reason for the takeover – secular politics. This year, at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, an unbelievable event happened. The Bush/ Chaney Reelection Campaign paid for a reception for persons attending the SBC. This is simply wrong. No political party or political campaign should have a meeting in conjunction with the meeting of the SBC or any other religious group. Now friends, you have been reading my writings and the TBC newsletter for many years. You know we have never, ever involved ourselves in partisan politics in any form or fashion. I am quite sure 99% of you have no idea what my political leanings are. I know this because I get emails from many of you expressing multiple viewpoints on things and I assume you all think I agree with you. I promise to keep it that way. No religious body or church should be involved in partisan politics. They should address issues only. But the SBC is all about partisan politics. That was the entire reason for the takeover of the SBC, to make the SBC an important and influential part of one particular political party. Many of you may not see Baptist Press on a daily basis. The fact is, nearly every day there are stories on political candidates, not issues. The June 25th Baptist Press carried a first person article attacking Bill Clinton, a first person article by James Dodson on the Marriage Amendment. During the political primaries, stories were written in Baptist Press attacking candidates. Every year when the SBC meets, the key news stories are about the “cultural war” in America: boycotting Disneyworld, the role of women in society, and on and on. What this all proves beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the current SBC is obsessed with politics, and especially now, the upcoming presidential election. The latest issue of Southern Baptists Today was full of such articles with Jim Richards, their executive director, lamenting the fact that people do not cast their vote based on biblical values. What he does not understand or will not admit, is that I know many strong republicans and strong democrats cast their vote very carefully on their understanding of biblical values. I have read a synopsis of both major political party platforms and to be honest, I cannot see that one is more Christian than the other. I see things in both that reflect biblical values. I want no part of labeling people based on their votes. The SBC bought into the idea that secular political influence and power was helpful to the Kingdom of God. The result is a declining denomination no longer focused on Jesus or his mission. The result is what Morris Chapman describes, good people who do not know how to love, who are exclusive, judgmental, and to be honest, just down right mean. And it is too late for Chapman to do anything about it. The dye is cast. That is the modern SBC. As this plays out, these mean, judgmental people will split associations, state conventions, and local churches when they have to. Compromise, toleration and cooperation are not possible to persons with this ideology. I find it so refreshing when I attend the BGCT annual meeting to be with Baptist Christians still focused on missions and evangelism, concerned that they be salt and light in society while not being involved in partisan politics. I hear nothing about a culture war. I hear lots about Jesus and being His presence in the world. Which in conclusion, brings us to Paige Patterson’s comments? Paige wisely said, “What you give your name and money to, you give your tacit approval to.” He is right. Listen to him. Ask yourself, do you want to be a part of a partisan political movement like the SBC, a movement that is no longer focused on evangelism and missions, a convention that is exclusive, non-cooperative, legalistic, and has lost its way in the wilderness of separatism or do you want to be a part of partnering with the living Christ? Where you give your money defines your values and what you believe. Some serious choices need to be made. I do not write this with any joy. What has happened to the SBC will go down as one of the great tragedies in the history of American Christianity. But we worship and serve a God bigger than denominational politics. We as Texas Baptists must forget the SBC and refuse to be embroiled in their silly, petty politics. We must have a vision of what God can do through our commitment and resources and willingness to partner with Baptists around the world who value cooperation, not coercion. Pay attention to the BGCT and its leaders in the years to come. You will want to be a part of where God is leading us. I am incredibly excited about the authentic Baptist movement in the 21st century. Let’s join hands, quit fighting and move forward. God is leading us to a beautiful future. August 2004 |