Summary of Recommendations
Messengers will vote on the creation of a world missions network as a not-for-profit affiliate of the BGCT at the annual state convention in Waco, November 11-12. Listed below is a summary of the recommendations to be presented by the Missions Review and Initiatives Committee.
The Missions Review and Initiatives
Committee recommends:
- That a world missions network be established to help churches, associations, institutions and individuals fulfill their missions calling through both short-term and long-term missions endeavors across the United States and the world.
- That this world missions network connect churches, associations, institutions and individuals to available missions research, education, information, facilitation, training, screening, strategy development and support.
- That this world missions network, like other existing Texas Baptist entities, be established as a not-for-profit [501(c)(3)] affiliate of the Baptist General Convention of Texas with a permanent, strong connection to the BGCT, and that the director of the network serve on the BGCT Leadership Council.
- That this world missions network be governed by a 32-member rotating board, all of whom are Baptists; and that the BGCT elect through the Committee on Nominations for Institution Boards three-fourths of the board members and the board choose one-fourth.
- That the initial board of this world missions network be chosen by the president of the convention, the chair of the BGCT Executive Board, the chair of the Administrative Committee, the chair of the Missions Review and Initiatives Committee, the president of Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas, the president of Texas Baptist Men and the executive director of the BGCT.
- That this world missions network establish an advisory council to bring together missions experts and
representatives of Baptist conventions from across the world on a regular basis to work on further missions endeavors, and that the executive directors of the BGCT, Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas and Texas Baptist Men serve on the advisory council.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas affirm all Baptist missionaries and express gratitude for their commitment to follow God’s call upon their lives and appreciation for their service.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas encourage Texas Baptist congregations and pastors to educate and nurture a vision of missions and the call to career missions.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas continue to offer help in the transition of Southern Baptist missionaries who cannot, in good conscience, affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas find ways to enable missionaries to serve who cannot, in good conscience, affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas seek fraternal relations with Baptist conventions and unions in other countries for mutual growth and the extension of the Kingdom of God.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas continue to work on specific missions projects with the
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, without entering into a formal relationship.
- That the 2002 Cooperative Agreement between the North American Mission Board and the Baptist General Convention of Texas be adopted.
- That Texas Baptist churches pray for the District of Columbia Baptist Convention and its valiant efforts to win people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and minister to the needs of those who live in the.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas urge the North American Mission Board to reconsider its action regarding the District of Columbia Baptist Convention and that NAMB take strategic action that will enable it to work with the District of Columbia Baptist Convention in ways that will advance the cause of Christ.
- That the Baptist General Convention of Texas encourage churches to express their obedience to the Great Commission through prayer, sacrificial giving and active participation in missions
October 2002 |