The Fruits
of Norrisism
by L. R. Scarborough, circa 1924.
Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt
from "The Fruits of Norrisism," by L.R. Scarborough when he was
president of Southwestern Baptists Theological Seminary.
This trace is a discussion of some of the fruits
of an old cult under a new name. The following are some of the
characteristics of this cult - Norrisism:
1. It is toward true religion what socialism
and bolshevism are to politics and industry: wholly destructive
in spirit and methods.
2. It is anti-missionary and anti-institutional.
It gives nothing to associational, state or home missions and
only enough to foreign missions to get representation in the convention.
It spends most of its money on itself - sometimes in court trials
for perjury, arson and murder, and in sending our free literature
seeking to destroy the causes other people try to build.
3. It thrives on sensationalism, misrepresentation
and false accusations of good men and true causes. It masquerades
under the cloak of anti-evolutionism, anti- modernism and anti-Catholicism
in order to ride into public favor and cast poisonous suspicion
on the leadership of the causes of constructive Christianity.
4. In its chief leadership it is the embodiment
of autocratic ecclesiasticism. All the privileges and rights of
the church heading up in the pastor.
5. It uses the pulpit, the press and the radio
to create suspicion, to foment class prejudices and to vent its
hatred again innocent personalities and institutions.
6. It divides and splits families, churches,
associations and strikes its poisonous fangs at the brotherhood
of Christianity.
7. It lowers the standards of right conduct,
individual righteousness, ministerial ethics, personal integrity
and gives to the world a false conception of the character, spirit
and methods of Christianity.
8. The only people or causes it praises are
those who bow down to its dictum or fail in any wise to cross
its path.
9. The individual, the preacher or church who
joins in sympathy with this cult will sooner or later cease to
cooperate with the mission, educational or benevolent enterprises
fostered by God's people.
10. It has some noble names upon the escutcheon
of its false accusations and public misrepresentations: Carroll,
Gambrell, McDaniel, McConnell, Mullins, C. V. Edwards, Brooks,
Sampey, Groner, Ray, Robertson, Forrest Smith, Cullen Thomas,
Truett and others-multitudes of false accusations, such as : infidelity,
graft, heresy, theft and such like, and groundless insinuations
have gone out against these good men for years.
This tract deals with only a few of these false and slanderous
charges against these brethren. These are but sample - there are
many others which are groundless as these. Research for this article
provided by Ron Ellison.
May 2000