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By Ed Hogan, Pastor, Jersey Village Baptist Church, Houston Second vice president, BGCT, 1997-'99
A truly Baptistic state convention is one where: 1. The local church is where true power is. The state convention exists to serve local churches and to facilitate cooperative missions, education and benevolent ventures. One way to do this is to decentralize and have convention employees closer to churches in regional offices. 2. Membership in other organizations is cooperative but not connected. Too many state convention relationships are based on tradition, monetary benefits and constrictive connections. Relationships which farther our strategic goals and they should nurture and protect objectives. 3. Missions and evangelism are at the very heart of being a Baptist. It is what we do and who we are. Mission partnerships especially intrigued and inspired me with Hispanic churches. We have grown and will continue to reach people for Christ. 4. They emphasize Biblical principles such as the importance of priesthood of the believer and local church autonomy. We are not a creedal people. Changes in the Baptist Faith and Message, statements by prominent leaders and resolutions at conventions will inform Baptist thinking. However, we have been and will remain people of the word-our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I look forward to the time when we will pass the conflict. However, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Texas Baptists have been, are, and always will be people of the Word. I believe the Bible is authoritative and God's perfect truth. More than that, I have never met a Texas Baptist pastor, professor, or administrator who does not hold a high view of Scripture. One day, detractors will realize, we simply will not believe the lie that Texas Baptists are less than Biblical. I have come to peace about that and feel soon our entire state will. At that point, we can return to our first love, they will restore the joy of our salvation and we can do what we do best: reach people for our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. September 1999 |