Texas Baptists Committed is dedicated to reaching people for Christ through local churches; promoting and defending historic Baptist principles; spreading an understanding of Baptist heritage and distinctives through education; and cooperating with the mission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas and its related institutions.


First Baptist Church, Dimmitt, is a typical West Texas Baptist Church. They support missions strongly, giving 14 percent to the Cooperative Program. They have an excellent pastor, Paul Kenley, who has educated the congregation regarding what has happened over the last fifteen years. They believe in and practice Baptist principles .

In their Sunday evening business session, November 27, the church unanimously passed the following recommendation of the church Missions Committee. They gave their members three options for Cooperative Program giving - giving to Texas and the SBC, CBF, or both the SBC and CBF. Below are the Missions Committee recommendations and the form being used by the church.

Missions Committee Recommendations for Called Business Meeting November 27, 1994

The Missions Committee recommends the following:

  1. That the option form that has been distributed be adopted as the vehicle through which we determine directed giving through the Cooperative Program.
  2. That the “world causes” money that has been escrowed since last spring be divided among the three options, according to the percentage of the membership that chooses each option.
  3. That the offerings of members who do not indicate a choice about their rnissions offerings through the option form be divided according to the percentage breakdown of those who do make such an indication.
  4. That the undesignated plate offering be divided according to the same percentage breakdown.
  5. That the church’s cooperative mission gifts be remitted to the Baptist General Convention of Texas quarterly, rather than monthly, as has been the practice.
  6. That each individual be given the option, through choice of envelope used, whether his or her annual foreign mission offering go to the Southern Baptist Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, or to the Global Mission Offering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

Baptist General
of Texas ............... 9.1%

Southern Baptist
Convention .......... 4.9%

Baptist General Convention of
Texas ............... 9.2%

SBC Foreign Mission
Board ................... 2.4%

Cooperative Baptist
Fellowship ........... 2.4%

Baptist General
of Texas ............... 9.1%

Cooperative Baptist
Fellowship ........... 4.9%
TOTAL:.................. 14%
TOTAL:.................. 14%
TOTAL:.................. 14%

Please check the box in the column that contains the option that you wish to use in giving your world causes gifts through the Cooperative Program. After you have checked the column of our choice, please print your name on the line “Name (please print),” and sign your name on the line labeled “Signature.” Insert the form in the enclosed envelope, seal it, and return it to the church office, either by mail or in person. Your choice in this matter will not be made public, but wlll be known by the pastor, who will oversee the proper dispensing of the missions funds through the financial secretary. If you have any questions regarding the purpose of this form, please contact the pastor or any member of the Missions Committee.

Each contributing member needs to sign a separate options form.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not indicate a choice through the use of this form, then our Cooperative Program dollars will be divided among the three options according to the percentage of total forms submitted for each option.

Name (please print) _____________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________________________