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Coffee Break
By Ken Coffee


Each month Trinity receives a copy of “The Southern Baptist Texan,” which the new Southern Baptist of Texas Convention sends unsolicited. This is the new three year- old group that bolted the older Baptist General Convention of Texas, alleging the BGCT was not supportive enough of the new Southern Baptist Convention.

In an article written by Jim Richards, executive director of the new convention, Richards stated, “It is not enough to believe the Bible.” His fundamental inference is that to be a Southern Baptist these days one must also believe a particular interpretation of the Bible, as foisted upon us by the leadership of the SBC.

Having been a lifelong Southern Baptist, and still considering myself one, I categorically reject Richards’ inference. He is dead wrong. His view is much more Church of Christ than Baptist. Like many Church of Christ folks, people like Richards are going to be very surprised by whom they see in Heaven. I suspect many people will be there who, like myself, refused to be boxed into a man-made theological statement.

Frankly, I think Mr. Richards might be miserable in Heaven, having to fellowship with so many with whom he disagrees theologically.

As for me and my house, we unashamedly state that we believe every word of the Bible and, like some of our BGCT leaders have said, will sign every page of it to verify our belief in it. Moreover, we believe, “It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me.”

June 2002