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Southern Baptists Not Perfect on Bible
By D. Marty Lasley
SBC Messenger from Tennessee

Almost every speaker that paraded across the stage at the recent Southern Baptist Convention meeting repeated the mantra, "We are people of the Book."

That Southern Baptists treasure, respect honor and recognize the absolute authority of the Bible (and even worship it at times) is without dispute.

Unfortunately, while we Southern Baptists are people of the Book, we are largely illiterates. President Paige Patterson, thundered, "The Bible is never wrong! Jesus is never wrong!" What Patterson couldn't and didn't say was this - "Southern Baptists have been so very wrong so many times in their interpretation of the Bible."

Are all of our interpretations of the Bible so infallible that we can force them on every employee of the SBC? And further, shall we also exclude from full participation in SBC life Southern Baptists who believe the Bible is infallible and inerrant, but disagree with certain narrow interpretations? The answer to both questions after Orlando is yes.

In 1845, the SBC was founded on the premise that the Bible sanctions slavery and it is okay for Christians to own slaves. They had dozens of Bible verses to back up their "infallible" interpretation. Yet they ignored or explained away the Apostle Paul's declaration, "In Christ, there is neither slave nor free." Strike one.

From 1865 through the late 1960s, the overwhelming majority of Southern Baptists "infallibly" interpreted the Bible to teach and sanction the racial inferiority of the Negro race which justified inequality and segregation. They ignored or explained away Apostle Paul's declaration, "In Christ, there is neither Jew or Greek." Strike two.

Now, on the threshold of a new millennium, Southern Baptists have "infallibly" pronounced that women cannot be called by God to be pastors. They ignore or explain away the Apostle Paul's declaration in the inerrant Holy Scriptures, "In Christ, there is neither male nor female." Strike three.

In 1995, Southern Baptists officially apologized to the world and repented for their previous "infallible" interpretations in support of slavery and racism. If history repeats itself, in about 2150 a generation of Southern Baptists will officially apologize to the world for its chauvinism and prejudice toward women inflicted at Orlando in 2000.

Will God grant the SBC a fourth strike?

July 2000