TBC Newsletter
May 1998


Southern Baptists of Texas held a state wide rally on April 24. Paige Patterson, the next president of the SBC, spoke and Stan Coffey, Senior Pastor of San Jacinto Baptist Church, Amarillo, served as the conference coordinator.

In the advertising brochure, it states, "The SBT are Baptists in Texas who are committed to a State Convention that will reach the lost of Texas with the Gospel as well as perpetuate the support and commitment to the Southern Baptist convention of national and worldwide ministries."

The SBC will be in trouble financially if all SBT churches follow Dr. Coffey's example. In 1996, the BGCT annual says San Jacinto Baptist Church gave $18,250 to the Cooperative Program and $57,471 to all mission causes out of total receipts of $2,014,302. That equates to less than 1 percent to the Cooperative Program and less than 3 percent of total receipts to all mission causes.

What if all Baptist churches gave 1 percent to the Cooperative Program and less than 3 percent to all mission causes?