December 1998


Articles By
David R. Currie,
Executive Director

A Matter of Perspective
"All Aboard"

Thoughts on Washington

Messengers to the 113th annual Baptist General Convention of Texas reelected officers, approved a constitutional amendment regarding messenger qualifications and passed a record $49.7 million budget for 1999.
Rifts between moderates and fundamentalists, stances on social issues including homosexuality and conflicts related to Baptist affiliated colleges and universities highlighted this fall’s round of annual meetings of Baptist state conventions.
There are many Baptists who strongly disagree with the SBC statement calling for male authority over their wives. I believe the Biblical model is for wives and husbands to be mutually submissive to one another.
Over the credenza in my office, above my computer, is a print of a G. Harvey painting, “A Family Christmas.”
Who was the first Baptist? Some think it was John the Baptist.
How Ironic
By: Rudy Sanchez
The 150th annual session of our Baptist General Convention of Texas was, according to most of us, the most unanimous convention we have experienced in years. 
On 12 September, I had the pleasure - although that is probably not the right word - of accepting an invitation from Aaron T. Kornblum, reference archivist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for a 3 1/2-hour guided tour of the museum.
To Respond or Be Silent
By: Charles McLaughlin
This year's BGCT annual convention prompted a swirl of ideas and issues for Texas Baptists.
Today, I am speaking for myself only. I do not represent Texas Baptists Committed, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Baylor and certainly not the SBC.
A number of people across the state have requested my thoughts about the recent discussion regarding reconciliation.
by Barbara Jackson
What is a Baptist? Historically speaking, Baptists were dissenters against some old-time theocrats who wanted to make everyone conform.

Believing the Bible
By Robert Newell,
Pastor, Memorial Drive, Houston

Although I have learned much about the complexities of biblical interpretation and the difficulties of healthy exegesis, I continue to
trust the Bible. While my grasp and comprehension of the Bible is always going to be incomplete, I am encouraged in the study of it
by the promise that its Author will help me to understand and apply it.

I can never be so audacious as to insist that my personal interpretation of it should be normative for all Baptists, or forced upon others as a litmus test for fellowship; and I would
never demean the Bible by thinking of it as a science textbook.

I deeply believe that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative, trustworthy and sufficient record of God’s revelation of
Himself to mankind. While some may cautiously couch their trust in the Bible by insisting that only the “original manuscripts” of it
are reliable, I have discovered that every copy of it I have ever held in my hands and taken seriously has, despite translation problems and manuscript concerns, been used of Almighty God to instruct me and to teach me toward the Truth that is Jesus.



While maintaining the
autonomy and integrity of our state convention and that of any partnering states, it might well be possible to create a
Baptist Convention of the Americas
—Herbert Reynolds

Thanks, for correcting inaccuracies

Editor’s Note: The following are four “Letters to the Editor” of local newspapers to correct misperceptions of the BGCT. All those who refuse to let false allegations go unheeded deserve commendation.

A Quote To Consider

“Today Christians… stand at the head of Germany… I pledge that I will never tie my self to
parties who want to destroy Christianity… We want to fill our culture again with the Christian
spirit… We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater,
and in the press — in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered
into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past …(few) years.”

—Adolph Hitler

© Copyright 2008, Texas Baptists Committed, P.O. Box 3330, San Angelo, TX 76902